The Planes of the Cosmos

The Plane of Light

Home of the Light Seed, created by Argi-Ama.

The Plane of Shadow

Home of the Shadow Seed, created by Gau-Ama.

The Ethereal

The connective tissue of the realms. The space between spaces.

The Elemental Plane of Fire

Filled with lakes of lava, cackling fires and heat like no other.

The Elemental Plane of Water

Rivers, glaciers and expansive oceans cover the surface of this plane.

The Elemental Plane of Air

It is falling forever, an enternal sky littered with pockets of mist and gasses.

The Elemental Plane of Earth

Sheer cliffs, tall mountains and stone titans dominate the plane of Earth.

The Realm of Good

Different realms owned by Deities of good aligned practices like (insert god names)

The Realm of Evil

Different realms owned by Deities of evil aligned practices like (insert god names)

The Realm of Law

Different realms owned by Deities of lawful aligned practices like (insert god names) who keep balance in the cosmos, along with the Realm of Chaos.

The Realm of Chaos

Different realms owned by Deities of chaotic aligned practices like (insert god names) who keep balance in the cosmos, along with the Realm of Law.

The Faerie

Vast grasslands and forests, full of chaotic and good aligned creatures, home of the long lived Fey Council. Joined forces with The Realms of Good in The Planar Wars.

The Lightless

A lightless pit, full of chaotic and evil aligned creatures, in an everlasting race to the top of the proverbial ladder of power. Joined forces with The Realms of Evil in The Planar Wars.

The Hells

Dominion of lawful and evil aligned creatures, the layers of the hells are symbolized and led by the seven sins: Wrath, Greed, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Lust. Joined forces with The Realms of Evil in The Planar Wars.

The Peaks

Dominion of lawful and good aligned creatures, Mount Celeste is home to many types of celestial beings, led by The Father Himself. Joined forces with The Realms of Good in The Planar Wars.

Plane of Existence


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