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Dragonborn Lore

One of the 10 dominant races in the Fesden area.

     The Dragonborn are among the races that are descendants of the dragons, they being the greatest of those descendants. They lived in ancient times in the large volcano that takes up a good portion of the largest island of the nation of Kapukan, and lived there until the Kobolds who also inhabited that volcano grew weary of their superior brothers and kicked them out. The surface was not as spacious as the volcano's vast underground area, so to allow space to survive, the early Dragonborn learned and subsequently mastered the art of sailing, and settled the entire Kapukan galapagos, later in history settling the East-most section of the Fesden Continent.


     The Dragonborn are the highest of the Draconic races, and were the favorites of the Great Dragons. They were created deep in the ground on the continent of Gelrick, so had an ability to see in the dark, but these Dragonborn ventured forth to the surface, and fell in love with what they found there. They saw the moons, stars, and eventually, the sun, and they for the most part decided that being up on the surface was the life for them, which was relieving to their Kobold cousins, who believed that the Dragonborn's departure from their chasms underground would result in more attention and love being thrown their way for once, but actually just caused a good many Dragons to also travel to the world at large.

     The Dragonborn's newfound love for the sky led them to naturally take up positions as navigators, particularly as sailors, and before many of the races had even developed a single city, the Dragonborn had made ships and were sailing the seas further than any other had even dreamed of going, and it was through these efforts that the Dragonborn found the Elves on their island nation of Sunundial, as well as the Galapagos of Kapukan, which was so nice and peaceful they decided to make it their home. Many of the fire affiliated Dragonborn were also pleased that the main island had the largest volcano they had ever seen, even if the volcano was dormant. As the Dragonborn began to build up their home on the islands of Kapukan, they still sailed further, and it was in the East that they found another great land, and it was here that the Dragonborn encountered the Goblinoid races for the first time. Their greenish hued skin was bizarre but exciting to the Dragonborns who now considered themselves to be master explorers, and trade deals and negotiations were struck up between the Dragonborns and the Goblins, especially since the Goblins seemed very interested in the currency that the Dragonborn had created, being mostly metal coins with some amber or jade embedded into it. These coins eventually took more defined shape after the city of Griannal was established at the foot of the volcano in Kapukan, which was watched over by the Great Dragon Yeshun'kar herself, so the biggest of the coins featured these two great accomplishments, the city on one side, and Yeshun'kar on the other. It was also rumored that the idea of creating the city of Griannal was the idea of Yeshun'kar, and that Yeshun'kar had done a great deal of the construction in secret so as to not tarnish her reputation for fire and destruction, so the Dragonborn then issued her face engraved on some of the smaller denominations of coin as well to pay her greater homage for the potential greater work that she had done for them. The Dragonborn continued to flourish and continued to sail the seas even as the Elves, Goblins, and eventually Humans discovered the secrets of sailing further, but due to the placement of Kapukan, all three needed to stop at the home islands of the Dragonborn in order to pass on to other races' dominions, which was just fine for the Dragonborn, as they were able to charge the foreigners for their usage of their docks, and were able to have plentiful trade from ship captains who needed more food, water, and other supplies for the rest of their journeys. The Dragonborn's prosperity continued for some time until the feel of the winds changed, as the Great Dragons brought millions of Kobolds to Kapukan; imploring the Dragonborn to go with them to hide the Draconic races in the volcano's depths to protect them, as the forces of men had gone crazy and killed three of the Nine Great Dragons. The Dragonborn agreed, and bid farewell to the skies they had fallen in love with as they once again descended below ground, and were cramped with all Kobolds, Dragonborn, and a good number of Lizardfolk down there. The memory of the sky died out with the older generation, and by the passing of three generations, all that remained of the fascination was legend, by then, the threat of humans was long thought to be over, but the Kobolds decided that the volcano was theirs now, so kicked out the Lizardfolk and the Dragonborn. The Dragonborn once again remembered their fascination with the skies, and vowed to never again abandon it, and to never again abandon the knowledge of navigation by it, but the most curious thing about ascending to the surface was the Dragons, which had always fawned over the Dragonborn, were nowhere to be found. The Dragonborn once again developed their methods for sailing, and brought back their society which had been built so long ago, and like this they stayed for the entire duration before the current day.

80 years
Average Height
6 ft. 5 in.

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