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Goblin Lore

     One of the 10 dominant races in the Fesden area.

     Goblins have an innate curiosity with things, often building some simple contraptions or concoctions from their discoveries with plants and materials. They being one of the more common short races have grown accustomed to not being seen, and most grow to resent or exploit it when they aren't noticed by their tall gangly neighbors. Because of the few that turn to thievery and scams, many are slow to trust a Goblin, and their somewhat frightening appearance does those stereotypes no favors. Goblins tend to prefer food of stronger taste, and their digestive systems are more than capable of safely digesting all but the most spoiled food. Because of this, Goblins have a reputation for eating garbage, which is a reputation that many Goblins live up to. Like the other two goblinoid races, Goblins come from a land far away.


     The Goblins of Ameow were created upon the continent of Heneron, and have always been looked down upon by the Hobgoblins and the Bugbears due to their small size, and for their penchant for making small homes wherever there is a gap in stone, or wherever the dirt and mud is of suitable quality for building. After the period of early-history, the Goblins discovered that their nimble, yet strong hands, and their eye for detail and quality allowed them to be excellent smiths, combine that with their understanding of the process in its entirety, and an amazing ability to teach one another skills, made them quickly become one of the races most proficient with smithing in the entirety of Ameow. It was after this discovery that something very strange happened, they found a small black gem which didn't reflect any sunlight whatsoever, and it was found that some strange effects could be done with that gem. Some were able to create fire from nothing, others were able to gaze into the future, and others yet could enhance and change living beings to be whatever they wanted. The most mysterious and amazing of the effects, however, was when the gem was used in combination with a pool of liquid metal that, once cooled into a solid form, would never be shaped again, and would never melt again. The Goblins called this pool Gar'harad, or unbreaking metal in their tongue. They found that when they had shaped a piece from Gar'harad, and merely touched the piece with the gem, that piece would suddenly be capable of any number of things, which the Goblins quickly discovered could be specified by drawing shapes upon the blade first, and then touching the gem to the Gar'harad, which would cause the shapes to glow. As the Goblins were mastering their craft, they were unaware of the machinations of their Hobgoblin brethren and their aspirations to conquer and rule. It therefore caught them completely by surprise when a shipment of their forged Gar'harad weapons which were on their way to be enchanted never came. It was in the shadow of the confusion of this event, that the Hobgoblins struck, laying siege to the capitol city of the Goblins, but the Goblins were a strong force, and were able to drive the Hobgoblin army away. That conflict is what sparked the Unification war, and despite the great power and mastery of the Goblins, they were eventually defeated by the Hobgoblins, and were then under the banner of the nation of Urugall. During the war, the Dragonborn merchants had arrived, and were thus able to take many Goblins who hoped to learn under the Kobold smiths that they had heard soo much about from the Dragonborn merchants, and others hoped to learn under the tutelage of one of the master Dwarf Smiths far over in Gelrick, and so Goblins spread forth upon the face of the land, but a majority of them stayed behind, maintaining their society on their own continent so the Hobgoblins wouldn't steal everything of their workmanship on their own stupid ambitions for more control and more power.

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