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Kobold Lore

One of the 10 dominant races in the Fesden area.

     The Kobolds proudly declare to any who will listen that they are the second of the offspring of the dragons, and even then just after the Dragonborn. Kobolds have a natural affinity for contraptions, involving traps, knick-knacks, doohickies, and many other shiny do-things. They take pride in their appearance, and many Kobolds will interpret the gawks that other races give them as awe of their glory. Kobolds, in general, dislike Dragonborn, as the Dragonborn are the only thing that Kobolds perceive as better than themselves. The Kobolds hail from Kapukan; specifically within the large volcano on the main island. Within the cavern they have a huge Kobold Empire, where they mine, craft, and sell many things. They still worship dragons, even though no dragons have been seen in living memory of even the Elves, but the Kobolds will for the most part insist that the dragons are still around, but are waiting for something. In general, the Kobolds are endured, as they seem a little too obsessed with themselves, but they are also known for their fine craftmanship, which makes them more trusted than some of the other minority races.


     The Kobolds are a race as old as time itself, and it is rumored by their own religion that they were made by the Nine Great Dragons, after Dragonborn, but before Lizardfolk. Whether or not this is true is up for debate, but they believe it to be true. The Kobolds hail from the nation of Kapukan geographically, but they don't dwell up on the surface with the Dragonborn that they may or may not have exiled, but they live in a massive underground Empire where the only entrance and exit is the hole of the massive dormant volcano that is upon the largest island of Kapukan. The Kobolds have spent soo much time in their underground Empire that they have developed an inablility to see properly whilst the sun is out. It is also to be noted that due to their constant interaction with the magma that lies deep enough underground, the Kobolds have mastered smithing, and the only modern competition for them is the Goblins, who separately developed their own techniques for mastery.

     The History of the Kobolds is filled with loyalty and honor, with any who don't follow such tenants being exiled. This created a strange dichotomy in the early days, as any Kobold that people would interact with would be incredibly rude and would almost certainly betray you. It wasn't until people journeyed to Kapukan, mostly by paying the Dragonborn sailing merchants to take them, they were able to visit the Kobold Empire, and discover how the majority of the Kobolds actually behave, and the difference is like night and day.

     The Kobolds have never seen any really big wars, or even any significant conflicts of any kind, but there have been moments where the Empire seemed close to collapse, but mysteriously those who were working to shatter the Empire stopped just in the nick of time, as they would mysteriously disappear. The Kobolds share the determination, stubborness and ferocity of their dragon ancestors, and yet put on a facade that would indicate to any looking that they are a people of only honor, and would rather die than bring dishonor upon themselves. This strange dichotomy has caused many visitors to steer clear of the Kobold Empire, instead sticking to the Dragonborn civilization on the surface, which serves the Kobolds just fine, as they prefer keeping to themselves over being too friendly with outsiders.

50 years
Average Height
3 ft.

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