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Tiefling Lore

     Tieflings are not a race, and their appearance and traits are not passed on by blood. A Tiefling is the result of a ritual that is not well known that binds the body of the mortal, with the spirit of a monster. It prevents the monster from being cycled for the duration of the life of the Tiefling, but the soul of the mortal is forfeit, and upon death, the monster's spirit and the Tiefling's spirit fuse, and will be born again as a greater monster than was used to bind the Tiefling. The consequences of this ritual results in not many undergoing the ritual willingly, but the Grim Shadows have kidnapped a few and forcibly put the ritual upon them, for reasons the victims are never told. This makes most Tieflings ashamed or enraged by their appearance, and many of them will try extra hard to do good, in hopes that they will redeem their soul, or will turn fully to the dark, acknowledging that they will never redeem themselves.


     The Tieflings of Ameow are all first generation Tieflings, not due to any biological or religious effect the ritual has upon people, but just due to the fact that when a Tiefling has a child, even if that child is with another Tiefling, the child is born as if neither of the parents had ever been a Tielfling, therefore, no person can ever be born a Tiefling, which makes the history of Tieflings an interesting one, as there have been Tieflings as long as there have been monsters upon the world. When monsters first appeared, legend speaks of a man that was so desperate for power, that he wished to find a way to merge himself with a monster in order to gain its power. He spent years researching magic, and more specifically, rituals. He would experiment on those he could kidnap that no person would know had gone missing, and would work his dark magic upon them. Many simply died, but this man noticed as he worked more and more, that many of those who would die from the ritual would still have new fangs or talons that they certainly didn't have before the ritual. Months passed, when finally, on a night where the light of the moons refused to shine, he performed the ritual, but little did he know that the monster that he was using for this experiment had died just before, therefore catching its soul into the ritual. When the ritual ended, the Human that he was experimenting on still lived, and now had red skin, had horns growing out of its forehead, had grown a tail, and how had fangs and claws. Thus was a Tiefling born, and the man formed a dark organization dedicated to making the members of all races into a superior specimen, and thus was Grim Shadows formed, which went about and became the group that brought misery to members of various races who were forced by their hands to become what they perceived to become a monster. It wasn't until much later that it was discovered that the souls of those who became Tieflings didn't move on to go to the gods, which only made Grim Shadows even more delighted and dedicated to transforming people into Tieflings.

     Scattered throughout history are tales of Tieflings who did the best of actions, and there are just as many tales of Tieflings who went on to become the worst individuals they could possibly manage to be. This appears to be a major question of Tieflings, that being if it's worth it to try to be good if their souls are apparently forfeit, or if they might possibly redeem their souls if they do an even greater good. A question which has not yet been answered, as the revelation about the state of the soul of a Tiefling's soul being forfeit was brought forth from the mouth of the Prophetess Illiana Salvathed herself, and there has not been another like her yet in the history of the world. To this day, to be a Tielfling is for others to look upon you with pity, disgust, fear, and other emotions, but almost never to be seen as a person.

Same as whatever creature it was before.
Average Height
Same as whatever creature it was before.
Average Weight
Same as whatever creature it was before.
Average Length
Same as whatever creature it was before.

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