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The War of Dwarves and Dragons

Military: War


An especially bloody war that took place between most of the races of Leandros. It originated with the battles between Dwarves and Dragons, but soon dragged many other races in.

As the Dwarves dug deeper into the mountains of Arin'dale, they came upon the mountain of the dragons. Thinking the dragons no more than simple beasts, the Dwarves moved forward too greedily and did not think to concern themselves with the dragons. This led to a long and extremely blood war that ended in the destruction of Leandros altogether.   At first, the war concerned only the Dwarves, who were the first bipedal beings to explore Leandros and the Dragons who resided there. However, the dragons saw the dwarves attack as a declaration and called upon what existed in their kin to assist. The Dragonborn, Lizardfolk, and Kobolds, all being distantly related to dragons, agreed to come help.   Hopelessly outnumbered, the Dwarves called out to the humans and orcs of Solis for help, promising them land and resources. They agreed and were soon joined by the Tieflings and Bugbears, who saw a chance to earn some good grace with beings that had long held animosity against them. In response to this growing power, the elves aided the dragons as they had issues with the dwarves. After once again needing more help, the loxodons, minotaurs, and centaurs joined the dwarves.   Together, the two sides of this war began mount defenses. During this time, an adventurous human who desired to understand the dragons traveled to one of their temples. This man's name has since been whipped from the channels of history, but he was believed to be the father of Illia the Unnatural. He was killed in his efforts after uncovering the Myser Emerald: a gem of great corruptive power. After his death, Illia absorbed the stone into her neckline and used its powers to punish the countries warring factions, making the war far worse. Thus what had been two great powers building to protect themselves turned into a violent and long conflict.   In the year 8889, Martin the Dark Wizard hatched a plan to assume a few powerful artifacts that were said to be held by the dragons. He put together a small group of mercenaries he assumed would be ultimately fruitless and set them the task of ending the war by whatever means they could. The following year, Martin killed H'ale the Crimson Wind and used several powerful relics to destroy most of the dragons. Velma's Avengers rallied and together managed to kill Martin by absorbing him into a bag of devouring. They then removed the Myser Emerald from Leandros which caused the magic that held the island together to break apart and form the four-island nation of Insulam.