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Barisstone Wayfinder

The Barisstone Wayfinder is one of the devices used by Fossers within Isfa. While Barisstones are highly regarded, valuable treasures, their practical application is implemented on rare occasions outside of Isfa. The Barisstone Wayfinder is one of those applications. While Barisstones are one of the most peculiar and interesting minerals that are known for their connection with both the dead and the Gloaming Shroud, it serves a purpose in putting to rest bound spirits. Fossers, employed by Isfa to watch over the dead, use the Barisstone Wayfinder to track down ethereal beings that become difficult to track down. However, one peculiar implementation of the Barisstone Wayfinder is that the name of the individual that has risen must be spoken to the Wayfinder itself. If the spirit of the dead roams upon the mortal plane, the Barisstone Wayfinder will produce a seeking thread leading to the spirit. As such, it becomes an essential tool for Fossers.   Created first by scholars within Mashangist, the Barisstone Wayfinder became a trinket of fascination but no obvious exploit. This is due to the traditions of the dead within Mashangist vary greatly from those of Isfa (where the spirits of the dead are highly valued). In Mashangist, these Wayfinders were first used to explore the Gloaming Shroud, with wealthy investors interested in finding and speaking with the departed. However, the novelty of venturing to the Gloaming Shroud lost its novelty due to the inherent danger. Unlike Barisstones alone, the Wayfinder became more like a beacon attracting vengeful beings of that realm. Because of this, the Barisstone Wayfinder was tossed aside in favor of singular Barisstones. However, the novel application became obvious immediately to the clergy of Isfa, quickly learning of its construction and the runic engravings required to produce the interaction between the spirits and the material plane. As such, the clergy of Isfa are the primary owners of such devices, though they are not prohibited from owning. These expensive and intriguing devices are one of the most important devices for protecting life from death.


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Aug 30, 2024 23:18 by Evilyn Carnate

This is such an awesome concept! I like how you describe it as the once shiny-new-playtoy of the rich in your world before they grew tired of the risks involved, rather than just "here's a thing that we'll love forever". I also like that you went for a beyond-the-veil approach to this prompt rather than a straight up "suit of armour" or "magic ring of protection" - definitely inspired me to consider this aspect of my own world more closely :)