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Bravos Exemplar

"It is easier to dodge a sword pointed at your face than one pointed at your back." -Karka the Mage Masher
  Within the coliseum at the Culvert Cachet is the governing organization of competitive duelists, also known as Bravos. The orgnaization, the Pravus Dedicatum, first organized as regulated fighting became a spectator sport. As much as combat can be entertaining, the Pravus Dedcatum ensures its marketability and wide reaching range. It's ability to shower competitors with gold attracts athletes and mages alike beyond the normal reach of regional diplomacy.
  Of the Bravos, there is one among them that is crowned Bravos Exemplar. Holding the title carries tremendous status, though highly contested. The requirement to fight is compulsory if the holder wants to maintain the honor of being the Bravos Exemplar. In fact, it is considered cowardly for a Bravos Exemplar to retire outside of defeat. With challengers permitted to contest the position nearly weekly, there is little recovery time. This makes long standing Bravos Exemplari all the more spectacular.
  The Bravos Exemplar comes from a tradition of demonstrations that would typically during military parades. As warriors and mages alike would demonstrate forms and techniques, the most impressive would be given the crown the Grand Exemplar. While this was purely spectacle, the tradition carried into the coliseum where the Pravus Dedicatum connected the traditional Mashangisti term for warrior "Bravos", with the respected title of Exemplar.
  To become Bravos Exemplar, the Bravos must compete regularly, achieving points according to the rank of their competitor. These points determine their ranking within the Pravus Dedicatum. As those points increase, their rank increases. Generally, bouts are set up by the marketers who determine the best draw for the crowd. However, it is expected that whne a challenger of high standing (typically within ten ranks of the challenged) extends a contest, it is accepted. Permitted no other reasonable challenge has already be extended or accepted. Of course, the Pravus Dedicatum maintains the power to override the selection of any individual match. It is generally within the Bravos Exemplar's best interest to select who they will face to give themselves the best advantage rather than allowing for spontaneous, destabilizing contests to occur. This is due to the close proximity of the matches.


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Aug 18, 2024 11:59 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3