BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Calumnia Finis

As Ukt is tasked with breaking the seal of the Gerit, the essence of the world must come to a point. For every beginning there is an end. The many become one. As the living yield their essence to the slayers, the slayers are cowed by their master. As Ukt draws his mighty dagger, the light of all dim. And with a thrust, the point of the dagger will shatter the Gerit, revealing Ther and Iyem. And it will be revealed whether the challenge that Ther offered was won. But Ukt will yield his dagger to Iyem. And should death have conquered the world, the dagger will shatter Ther. Then, there will be one among all that was. And Iyem, victorious, will look out. And in all of his wonder see the relics of a world past. And holding within him the wisdom gain from the essence he collected, will long for something more. For before him, no challenge; no burden.   And in the deserted sands of Uinsil where no life grows and dust spills across once bountiful lands, memories will survive only from the carved stones. And great hidden things will be revealed from their hiding places. The machines of the world will stall. And all that move will be stilled. And a calm will return where Iyem walks. And worlds will not move except by his command, which is quiet. And Iyem will slumber in thought, longing for that which he craves. And in the vast emptiness, he will ponder and he will slumber. And so Uinsil will pass, awaiting the new day.   And so that Ther craved challenge, created the Calumnia Finis. And in that moment, created an opponent beyond himself. And so his day drew to a close. And Iyem sat upon his throne.


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