BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Exiled from Atras, King Ensilka led his faithful followers westward across the Bloodplains. For years they traveled across the continent as a nomadic people, but never yielding in their beliefs of royal privilege. Numbering only a few hundred, including the two remaining sons that had not been killed in the years previously,   Deep within the Bloodplains was Craduilan. Within the Craduilan, the Ensilkan people would find refuge for many years, planting the foundation of a new kingdom. But the Craduilan dangers had been ignored too long. As hordes of Gnoll arrived, the Ensilkan mounted a desperate defense. In time, they were overwhelmed. They retreated in the ancient ruins as most of their kindred were slain. Desperation flooded through them as a remnant few, including Da'almer Ensilka, the heretic son, discovered the remains of a temple. Awaiting their fate, Da'almer knelt before the temple of the unknown heir. Then, in a moment of clarity, he ordered his men to collapse the entryway, thereby sealing their fate. His men hesitant, obeyed. Layers of rubble trapped them inside.   But Da'almer had the time to learn of a great, untapped power. This power would later be known as Necromancy, the power of rebinding that which was lost. As his followers felt a sense of their own demise, Da'almer once again imagined the rise of his family to glory. Finding an exit from the passage once again into Craduilin, Da'almer Ensilka witnessed the barbarism of the Gnoll horde that looted and pillaged the homes of his people. Filled with fury, Da'almer caused his fallen allies to rise, including the corpse of his fallen father.   In their death state, the fallen warriors and villagers alike, including those among the gnolls, drew weapons against the now vulnerable and unsuspecting horde. But the reanimated corpses did not yield as easily as the living. It was the Gnoll Shaman that recognized the magic. She began searching for Da'almer over the battlefield. While Da'almer could not contend with the years of training, the Shaman could not contend with the endurance of the undead. The last sight of the Gnoll Shaman, drained and tired, would be Da'almer Ensilka retrieving the crown from his own father's head.   Da'almer Ensilka swore to return to his homeland, Atras, and regain his birthright. And with this power, he could raise the army he needed. The Ensilkan people are descendants of those that were able to escape from the Craduilan. Becoming a nomadic people that are constantly displaced by the tribes of the Bloodplains. They are known for their pale complexion and their unyielding conviction in the works of Da'almer Ensilka. As part of the traditions of the Ensilkan people, each are trained in war and magecraft. Ensilkan necromancy is maintained as one of the most devout and devious magic that has enabled the population to expand from two-hundred to two-thousand in the span of fifty years. In fact, the longevity of those within the Ensilkan population is from the necromantic magic that saps the lifeforce from those weak tribes they encounter to restore their own youth.


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Aug 23, 2024 12:23 by rugrat0ne

Very unusual to see a place where necromancy is not just tolerated, but embraced and made part of the culture!

I've done Diamond or Die. This year I'm trying Diamond or Nap.