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Ligam Salt

Ligam Salt is a form of salt that is specially refined from regular salt. While different types of salt contain varying degrees of elements that augment or enhance flavor, Ligam salt is mainly used to preserve food. While Ligam salt is not naturally occuring, similar to holy water, Ligam salt is produced by removing impurities from various salts and then infusing the minerals with essence. This is typically accomplished via diffusion. The impurities in the salts are removed by degradation accelerated by a combination of tumbling and stirring. As the salt is processed, the stronger parts of the salt are released, which allows the salt to enter a balance with the weaker elements. Once the balance is achieved, the Ligam salt needs to be enhanced. The diffusion process through which this is typically accomplished is through devices that leverage binding sources to move essence from the environment into the material. Since the processed salt will be at a state of degradation, the binding process allows free essence captured from the environment (a combination of air, moisture, and heat) to be captured by the salt. As the salt captures essence, the dull grey sheen of the salt transforms into a brilliant white.   While cold storage tends to be effective in most cases, Ligam Salt is one of the most effective methods to preserve foods that were separated from a parallel (such as living creatures). Ligam salt was first created in Isfa by a collaboration through competing culinarian guilds. In general, food spoilage was noted as one of the main problems in transported exotic foods. While live transport was possible, it was not always practical. This meant that culinarians had to travel in order to experience exotic dishes and delicacies. Ligam salt also provides a mean to import foods that are typical for the number of immigrants, refugees, and travelers who long for dishes from their homeland.


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