Lorekeeper Profession in Amma-Saeth | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Unceremoniously, an exotic figure enters through the common pathways. Eyes turn to see the unfamiliar garments drifting in the wind. Stride unerring, they follow the path to the steps of the citadel. The guards watch cautiously as the train behind the stranger growing in curiosity. Draft animals of nearly every culture carry crates filled with tapestries, pottery, and cultural artifacts. Companions smile and jest just behind their patron, a line being drawn between formality and excitement. As a hand reaches forward, the seal of the monarch is presented. One of the companions steps forward, horn blaring from the mount, presents their patron by name. Rising up the veil is raised, the figure turns and presents the bounties of the world to the people. The crates are opened and the riches released to a tide of eager applause.   The figure enters the formal gait with extravagence unsheathed. Eyes bowed from the pleasing grace, yet called to rise. The monarch condescends to meet their gaze, reaching for the honored emblem. A voice repeats the call of the adventures end. The demand is made clear as the hand is raised. A ring replaced with the Lorekeeper's mark.   The Lorekeeper is an esteemed tradition used in many cultures. For the greater countries, this tradition requires that before an advisor may enter into service, they venture as far as they dare to gather knowledge of cultures and technology. Several seasons may pass before they return. During this time, they are refused contact with their homes. Those who return in high esteem are often welcomed to their stations with ease. Those they do not fare as well may struggle to find a place, some going so far as to choose exile. The latter case more common with tribal states.   The Lorekeeper's responsibility is to catalogue the changing world. They store knowledge in their minds where scrolls and books struggle to bind. They understand the culture that muted words fail to convey. The last role of the Lorekeeper is to recount the standing of their people should they fall. Should a war be declared, a Lorekeeper is sent beyond the borders where they may remain. There, chronicles are made and buried. Thus is the Lorekeeper's rite.


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