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Melanagra is considered to be a house hold name due to the exciting and almost inexplicable journeys of which he has written and survived. From first hand accounts of the ventures into the Bloodplains to relaxing excursions to exotic countries such as Aurdia to drinking wine with the Pirate Chief of Aktitas. Melanagra is a pen name derived from titans known to exist in the Bloodplains, also known as the Ka'ada'gok. The dozens of books that he has written describing the world could have made him vastly wealthy. However, his desire for travel prevents him from maintaining any treasure for himself.   Trisga Gol was born into an aristocratic family of pre-war Mashangist. With dozens of governors and governesses, he became quickly skilled in the basics of society, arithmetic, and language. Accepted into the service of the king, Trisga Gol quickly became an advisor of politics and economics. However, Trisga Gol became disenchanted with the life that he was living and asked to be released from the third heir of Mashangist, King Eoman Mashan. Once freed from service, Trisga Gol began a brief history of Mashangist. Fearful of reprisal from the king or his subjects, Trisga Gol used a pen name from a creature that had captured his curiosity from a young age: the Melanagras. The first edition of "Qualities of a Kingdom: Mashangist" departed with visiting merchants. As word spread of the inventions that frequented Mashangist, Trisga Gol was given a royal rank of "Scribe of the Court" by the king (who was obviously aware of the author of the work due to Trisga Gol's writing style). With sufficient funds from published works to travel, Melanagra would dare to venture where few others would.   During Melanagra's early travels, he visited Isfa. There, he spent a number of years in the Jadu'ket. There, he discovered the people that have been neglected by the so called "Champion King". Working to understanding the rise in resentment for the Holy Order of Isfa, Melanagra published a work describing a kingdom that is losing the trust of its people. Many believe that this work was fundamental in the rise of dissendents that would eventually lead to Champion King Illiam Castell's assassination nearly a century later. As the Seat of Order was replaced by the practices of Dahiel, many would long for a return to the Holy Kingdom and the peace that they offered the world.   Melanagra would eventually travel to Aurdia, Nehelenia, Gamjuit, and Luam Cathwa. There, Melanagra heard of a rumored city Sorko Sarcanci far into the Bloodplains that he longed to visit. After nearly five years of planning, Melanagra finally achieved his goal of venturing into the Bloodplains. There, among the many trials that he had yet faced, his memoirs of the Bloodplains would begin. Dozens of journals were kept to describe his encounters, including beastmen, roving hordes contesting territory, the eventual discovery of Sorko Sarcanci, and witnessing first hand his namesake: a Melanagra.   Melanagra would return near the end of his life to Mashangist, which during that time had been destroyed and rebuilt. He purchased a small apartment where he would compile his works before his eventual death. While many believe that Melanagra's experiences proved that he was immortal, during his final hours he admitted "Not a tenth of the world have I seen. But there is more to see where I go."   While Melanagra never had children being preoccupied with travel, there are those that have learned from his life and the value of discovery. His memoirs, journals, and books are mainstays of those who seek deeper knowledge of the world around them.


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