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Moss Weaver Tree

Of the trees within the desiduous forest, a symbiotic relationship exists between the Moss Weaver Tree and the Noose Spinner Spider. While the Noose Spinner Spider does not actually make webs for itself, the Moss Weaver Tree has a unique trick up its sleeve.   The soft wood of the does little to protect cortex of the tree, within which the essence reserves flow. This flow channels essence that produces fruit, foliage, or further grow the tree. Instead, the Moss Weaver Tree relies on a unique defense not found in other trees throughout the world. The bark is covered in a lace like moss that has a sickly, white hue. It was previously believed that this was the nest habit of the Noose Spinner Spider that would cover the tree is intricately patterned webbing. However, herbalists have discovered that this peculiar mosslike structure is actually seeded by the trees themselves. As the moss develops, as distinct from sap that drips across the surface, the moss begins to grow into small postules that become tethered together by small root-like vines that take an appearance similar to spider silk. When the trees become agitated, these postules begin to swell and abrupt the same sticky, silken material. When that material lands on a neighboring tree, it is likely that postules on that tree will similarly explode. Once this happens, the forest will be covered in a sticky web that will persist for days.   The Noose Spinner Spider has adapted well to the Moss Weaver Tree. Since the Noose Spinner Spider does not produce silk or webbing on its own, the spider will often wait until the trees ensnare an unsuspecting victim. The spider will then climb across the webs and gather the web around the victim. While there are many symbiotic relationships that exist in the world, this is one of the most fascinating to encounter.   While the Moss Weaver Tree appears in abundance throughout many woodlands throughout the Bloodplains, they are not highly sought after for logging. Moreover, most loggers tend to avoid regions where the Moss Weaver Trees are present due to the tendency of the postules to spontaneously erupt. This allows the Moss Weaver Tree to flourish and create vast stretches of perilous, snaring forests.


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