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Shades of Penumbra

The Shades of Penumbra is an organization that has a presence throughout much of Uinsils three main territories including Isfa, Mashangist, and Gamjuit. Their sole purpose is to upend oppression and corruption that binds innocents out of liberty. The Shades of Penumbra found their origin near to the region of Luam Cathwa, where the populace is largely self-governed. This places people that have power and influence in a position to subject those without. When slave-traders, bringing in beastkin from the Bloodplains for sport and service, boasted of their work, Soirreezia, a regional bard, couldn't take what she was hearing. Beginning by recruiting mercenaries to help her, she went after the slave traders.   In time, Soirreezia found others that sought to upend injustice and corruption. Many came from the raids that she performed. Political prisoners and merchants provided further guidance to expanding the influence of the Shades of Penumbra. In time, they would number nearly one-thousand members with their headquarters within Isfa. While Isfa is aware of the work of the Shades of Penumbra, they do not interfere. As such, the Shades of Penumbra is recognized as an accepted guild within Isfa where they are actively able to recruit new members to the cause.   While the Shades of Penumbra have historically found success, there was a division in the Shades of Penumbra instigated by a man named Aldritch. Aldritch, noted the growth in numbers sought to expand that influence around Luam Cathwa by taking a role of governance. This would see the members of the Shades of Penumbra attempt a coup of the city-state and their leaders. However, Soireezia contested that it was never their purpose to rule, but to enable others to live in peace. This caused a division within the Shades of Penumbra that saw many of their number depart from the ranks of the Shades of Penumbra.


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