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Created by Zakil, the Heir of Knowledge, Zamsera is known as the Heir of Order. A being with a singular focus on maintaining order in all things.   Zamsera, requiring aid to fulfill her ambitions beyond that of the heirs that paid her no mind, chose Illiam Castell. At the time, Illiam Castell was leading refugees through the Folding Ruin where the hordes of Osgolip sprang. At once, Illiam Castell ordered his followers into the river in hopes that they could escape the hordes with the help of the tide. Standing with a few of his friends, they would grant a delay. As the hordes descended upon them, Zamsera appeared wielding the "Ordinal Balance", Zamsera gave Illiam Castell a strength comparable to the onslaught. With such power, Illiam Castell forged a defense and drew a line that no fiend of Osgolip would cross.   By crowning Illiam Castell as her champion, Zamsera would set the stage on Uinsil for her work. Ensuring that the doctrine of knowledge and protection, Isfa was founded and rose to power. Under the tutelage of Zamsera, Illiam Castell was gifted longevity and strength, but also a heavy burden. As the threat of Ukt grew, Zamsera became ever more paranoid. With death and destruction, her grand order was jeopardized. With this, Zamsera believed that the only way to preserve order was to bring all others to heel before her. And in time, Zamsera would bring the threat of death to her own doorstep.   When Zamsera learned of the essence consuming creations of Mashangist, a trade that must have stemmed from Ukt, Zamsera could not let any knowledge of the death magic or designs persist. Pressing Illiam Castell to war was believed to be a great achievement for many. However, with victory came confidence. Zamsera grew desperate to press other heirs into her line. This would lead the sentinels of Zamsera to conflict that attracted Ukt's attention. The "War within the Shroud" would become a great untold tragedy. At the legions of the heirs waged war, the blessings of Illiam Castell waned. During this time, the seat of order that dwelled within the Citadel at Isfa became vulnerable.   As the hearts of the clergy of Zamsera were deceived by Dahiel, the seat of order fell. The connection that Zamsera had for centuries maintain was severed. Zamsera became resolved to restore that which was broken and restore the hierarchy which she believed was flawless. Rising from ashes of a fallen hegemony, Zamsera wields the "Ordinal Balance" to reclaim what she believes was stolen from her.   One great consequence of the fall of the seat of order is that the world began to turn. The world that was once tidally locked to the sun was now subject to a day/night cycle not seen before. This was one of the tides of death among the philosophers and clerics of the world.
Current Status
Ascending to greater power to overcome those that would oppose her.
Short, pixie styling
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
5 meters
400 lbs


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