Cogswell, god of steampunk and machinery

Cogswell is the youngest of the gods, being born via humanities mastery of steampunking only 25 years ago. The god is unique amongst the others in that he is the first god that was born from humanities creation of a concept, rather than the primordial creators. As such, Cogswell is born to serve humanity to the best of his ability, often granting blessings to people who don't even worship him, simply because that is what he believes his purpose is. Cogswell often though is seen giving inspiration and gifts to tinkerers, people who manipulate and create robots and weapons that rely on bronze, pipes, and water to function. Cogswell is also the god who grants the magic that flows through the spirit orbs of steam robots, as well as the space provided via a tinkering pack.   Cogswell has no temples, and his followers rarely openly pray for his help, rather Cogswell often comes to the tinkerer or person and ask if they want his help. Tinkerers have learned to do a ritual to help communicate with Cogswell that they need a spirit orb for their bots, which he happily provides. He often takes the form of a well dressed young man, with brown hair and steam goggles on his eyes, with a large dress hat, black gloves, and brown boots adorning his body, with a large wrench strapped to his back.   Cogswell has domains, as his true domain is with humanity, as such, he cannot provide blessings to clerics or warlocks, though he can still help to the best of his ability when asked.


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