Known Gods

The Gods that have domain over the land of Ammarion are are as vast as the land itself, thanks to Kremer's gift, they hold much less power than they did before though. Most gods are simply living concepts of major things in life, and the smaller, individual concepts(Such as, for example, spiders and darkness) are forced to live in the world as living concepts, smaller demi-gods that are constantly hunted and killed by powerful creatures who wish to take their power and place.   Most normal gods of 5e take residence here, with a few exceptions as shown in the chart below.   The chart below goes into some additional major gods of Ammarion.
Deity Alignment Domain Symbol
Macera, goddess of the moon and mystery N Light, Knowledge A full moon with two large hands extending towards it.
Lycanthrop, god of monsters CE Death, Trickery A set of open fangs with brooding white eyes above them
Cogswell, god of steampunk and machinery LG None A large cogswheel with a wrench at the center
Mazer Unchen, god of the forge NG War, Knowledge An anvil surrounded by red flame
Voidseeker, god of reincarnation NG N/A 6 white eyes peering from the darkness


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