Kremer's Sacrifice and the gods downfall

Long ago, there were many more gods of the world, which lived happy, fulfilled lives after they had successfully overthrown the primordial forces of Chaos and Gaia. There were many gods, each having their own domains and specific fields of leadership and power of concepts. The god of fire would rule fire, and the god of nature would rule nature, and so on, but one god, a god of gifting, Kremer, would stand out amongst his peers. Kremer was mocked relentlessly by his peers, and betrayed and bullied constantly, having his things stolen, his realm invaded, and his followers, the few he had, maimed and kidnapped, all because of his fascination with the void. The void is an ever-sprawling endless chasm of endless darkness, where no life or light can every permeate. The old god of gifting was a lawful good sort, constantly helping people, even if they actively hated him, or simply didn't worship him. Kremer claimed that the void would whisper primordial truths to him, even things Gaia and Chaos hadn't even mentioned before their downfall, and so he would sit in absolute darkness for days on end, communing with the void. Eventually Kremer would make his move, and in one simple swoop, he stole the god's powers over their respective concepts. How he did this is unknown, some say he slipped through their very being like as a shadow, while others say he had always had this gift, and had hid it until the time was right. No matter how it was done, Kremer had stolen away the gods powers over each of their concepts, and had given humanity the greatest gift of all, the gift of manipulation over the world. The god's concepts being given to humanity allowed them to maniplate and control what they had previously had to beg from the gods, the dwarves harnessed Gond's crafting, elves took to controlling Mystra's magic, and so on. With these concepts humanity was able to explode in power and progress, able to harness and touch so many things they hadn't had before, but for this gift, Kremer payed the price. Kremer was tossed into the void, which at this point had become an eldritch prison, never to be seen or heard from again, and the gods went to work preserving what they could from the situation.  They would begin granting power and blessing to humanity, tempting those who were willing to serve a fraction of their power, but this was all smoke in mirrors, as the gods relied on humanities belief and worship now to retain their power, as humanity now controlled the concept of belief. The gods that were unable to gain followers, either by lack of trying or power, would fall to the earth and die, their bodies and forms becoming artifacts, resources, and vessels that are sought after constantly by modern adventurer's and monsters alike. The lucky gods that gained a following would continue to leverage their blessings to keep their power, until their presence was so ingrained in society and the world that it was hard for them to not have power. The gods are not foolish though, and understand that if a humanoid truly desired and were willing to put the effort in, they could conjure and harness the power the gods claim is exclusive to them.   Most gods are actually fine with this shift in power and belief, such as Eldath and the Voidseeker, while others, such as Bane and Waukeen, seek to regain the power they had taken from them long ago. Some religious scholars even argue that Kremer is a villain and short-sighted, as giving concepts to humanity such as murder, pain, and war has led to untold death and suffering.


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