Macera, goddess of the moon and mystery

During the creation of the gods from the communion of Gaia and Chaos, Gaia had an affair with the other primordial force, the void. The two then created and birthed Macera, who would go on to be one of three children born from the void. Chaos, seeing Gaia's communion with the void, grew jealous, and cursed the child to lose both her eyes as she grew, so she would only see the void that she was born from. The void intervened, and when Macera lost her eyes with age, the void blessed her eyes to become the two moons that watch over the world, named Mera and Merca respectively.   Macera uses her eyes and moonlight to try to light the world during the night, when mysteries are most abundant. Followers of Macera often use moon sickles and wear white and black robes, the colors representing the light and dark sides of both of her moons. Macera has no holy books or artifacts, instead, communion with her require mediation and prayer near a moonlit pool of water, often lakes. For easier communion, followers often create large bowls of holy water made from obsidian and silver that they use during the night to commune with her. Her followers also seek knowledge, often going after mysteries that have not been solved for eons, in an attempt to impress their goddess.   Macer's domains are light and knowledge, as each eye represents the pursuit of each concept. The Mera moon is much smaller but also much brighter, reprsenting light, and Merca is much larger, and has a much larger darkside, as well as being the most common moon to eclipse, representing mystery. Temples to the goddess are often large libraries, with the outer materials of the temple being made of silver and marble, and are usually equipped with astronomical tools such as telescopes. These temples are research centers as well as worshipping sites, with followers often working together to try and solve mysteries for their goddess. Because of this, temples to the goddess are often a good place for adventurers to seek jobs, as the followers of Macera are usually not martially capable of combat.   Macera often takes the form of a tall women adorned in white silk robes holding two forever spinning white orbs in her right hand. She has black hair tied in a bun with a visage mask on her face, one half being black while the other is white.


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