Aaru reed

Aaru reed is an aquatic flowering plant that proliferates throughout central and southern Ameron and along the Duma River. It has a long history of use by Humans, especially in Amin Duum, to make boats, paper, food, sanitary products, and medicines.   In addition, aaru is particularly affected by Kata. At the southern end of the Duum Canyon, where kata release is most pronounced due to proximity to the Duum Gate. When subject to extreme levels of kata (above 4.5ka), aaru reeds can grow to over fifty feet, including both culm and inflorescence (kataresis).   During the Era of the Five Empires, it was used so extensively as a base for paper especially as the Keshwar Empire expanded and developed, that the smaller, non-kataresized subspecies came close to extinction. However, after the Empire's fall and the Rending of the World, the release of kata allowed the plant to flourish. As such, Agrarian specialists are able to work solely with the species along the Duma River.   Studies of aaru suggest that its response to Kataresis contributes to the background kata in Amin Duum, making the development of the first Exclusion Zone, Barrier, and control of the Gap much easier. Early research into the management of background kata indicates that, as a aquatic reed, aaru is involved in the transition of active kata during open Gaps into both soil and water.   Its tendency toward kataresis has resulted in extensive cultivation, especially in the Lower City and High City. This, in turn, has resulted in its widespread use for physical documentation for Graduation and other important rituals throughout Amnar. It is widely exported to the other cities of the Amnari Alliance and used in a similar fashion elsewhere as a writing support. However, its use for feluccas, medicinal products, and traditional wares is specific to settlements along the Duma River.   Its ubiquity in the historic area of Amin Duum and its usefulness, especially after the Rending of the World, has led to it being widely regarded as one of the unexpected "gifts" of the Rending. It appears frequently in early Amnari art, especially in the oldest sections of the Amin Duum Holy Complex. Temples in the High City are traditionally decorated with aaru reeds and flowers during major festivals.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduces via pollination. Seed transfer by water.

Ecology and Habitats

Grows in full sun, swamp, and wet soil conditions. Flowers year-round. Its susceptibility to kataresis requires frequent harvesting and maintenance by skilled Agrarian specialists in order to prevent overgrowth.
Average Height
30 to 40 feet; 50 feet when kataresized.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Tithi Luadthong


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