Dust Rite

The Dust Rite is a rite of passage experience conducted by all Amnari at the age of eighteen, centred around the consumption of Dust, which heightens the link between a human and Kata. This enables all Amnari to progress on to the next stage of their education, as well as providing them with an initial experience close to that of the final Bala Dura, which takes place when they turn twenty.  

Rites of Passage

Amnari undertake several rites of passage during their youth, which progressively intensifies their connection to the kata they manipulate as part of their role as adults in Amnari society. The Dust Rite is the third such rite, but is the most significant, due to its relationship to the Bala, the historical links to Amin Duum and The Eastern Desert.  


The core of the rite involves taking cohorts of young Amnari into the Field of the Red Queen. They are led by their principal trainers and guides, who are also responsible for ensuring the safe conduct of the rite. Throughout the previous two years, Amnari begin taking incremental doses of a substance called Dust, which has a mild stimulatory effect in small doses, similar to that of coffee. During the process of the Dust Rite, young Amnari are guided through a dream journey using a larger dose of Dust, consumed in the form of biscuits or cookies, after a traditional meal of noodles or rice, which slows the digestion of the active ingredient in the Dust itself.
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Cover image: by Tithi Luadthong


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