Kata Barrier

Kata Barriers are shields of any size or shape, formed of stabilised Kata particles, which can either protect anyone on one side from destabilised Kata on the other. They are controlled by Sifradan and Zurasim. The most comprehensive and powerful Kata Barriers are those that operate to manage the destabilised and unstable Kata in the Magical Exclusion Zones. The Barriers cannot be singly placed but must be maintained by either a Sifra or Zurasim through concentrated effort.  

Defence of the Hundred Thousand in the Gap Chamber

  The first use of a Kata Barrier was during The Rending, when the Gap opened in the (then unnamed) Gap Chamber in the Amin Duum Holy Complex. The High Ashad Isha saw the Gap open and was immediately aware of the danger presented to members of The Five Nations and The One Hundred Thousand who were sheltering there from the combined armies of the Five Empires. While the Army of Shades provided defence externally, Isha had believed she would be safe in the cave.   Once the Basati had opened the first Gap, Isha scrambled to find a way to protect as she had promised the refugees she would. Up until this point, there was no formalised use of Kata, which forced Isha to make use of whatever she could come up with at the time. She developed a "bubble" of kata particles, only 1–2 μka thin. She was not sure whether she would be able to control or maintain the bubble for long, given that the kata coming through the Gap was highly unstable.   She was then faced with attempting to hold the Barrier in place as Geidan came through the Gap and attacked at random. She was helped, at this point, by members of the Nations and the Hundred Thousand, who were not yet Avatars, but were prepared to attempt to provide help. Isha then asked Sankanthara to spread the Heka and Ana to them as much as was safe in order to support their efforts. This was so successful that it eventually became the basis for the Amnari system of Classes and Professions.
Access & Availability
Can only be used by Sifradan and Zurasim of Ta ranks and above.
Related Species

Cover image: by Tithi Luadthong


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