The Outreach Educational Organisation Organization in Amnar | World Anvil

The Outreach Educational Organisation

The Outreach Educational Organisation is a Stomish group operating along the southern Stomish border, providing small, temporary schools for the various nomadic minorities living in the open territories between South Stom and northern Nas Isca (Amnari Alliance).


The Congress of Stom claims that the Outreach Educational Organisation is intended to provide basic educational support to groups who otherwise might struggle to provide this for their children. It is linked to the Stomish Medical Organisation, which runs several clinics along the southern Stomish border. It predominantly serves the various Tagluk clans, as well as related northern herding groups living in the taiga.

Public Agenda

The OEO claims that its intention is to promote better education among groups who would normally struggle to provide it themselves. In addition, it cites its links to various Stomish Medical Organisations, claiming that it provides an alternative to the medical clinic provided by the Amnari Alliance on the northern Nas Iscan border at Reinkäyl:  
We see it is as vital that those living in between our two civilisations to have access to as much support as possible. All peoples need to know that the Amnari are not the only people capable of providing medical and educational support to those who may need it. The Congress will do everything it can to ensure that these groups are able to access alternatives to those provided by the Amnari.
— The Congress of Stom


The OEO has built several compounds on the border with Tagluk traditional birthing grounds at the northern end of their nomadic route. They also have an extensive staff working at these locations, ostensibly providing teaching and even cooking meals for Tagluk and other groups during the reindeer breeding season.
Educational, Society
Parent Organization
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Related Ethnicities


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