Hexcrawl Travel and Exploration

Hex maps are used to abstract travel into distances measured in hexes(These hexes are also used in settlement mechanics). Hexes have a terrain type for the dominant terrain type, as well as resources and points of interest.
  At the start of each time interval, the party sets the pace for the day which gives a number of movement points at that scale.


    • Careful Pace: Slow is smooth; smooth is fast. Lowered risks.
    • Steady Pace: Baseline pace.
    • Hurried Pace: Do more at a cost. Riskier and more exhertion.


Map Scale and Movement Points

These are the movement rates per travel-day at various scales for travel by foot in hexes. Each level is a factor of 12 - .
  Scale: Careful Pace/Steady Pace/Hurried Pace
    • 72 Mile Hex: 1 hex per 4/3/2 days - (weekly) 2/3/4 (monthly) 7/10/15
    • 6 Mile Hex: 3/4/5 hexes per day
    • Half-Mile Hex: 36/48/60 hexes per day


Travel and Exploration Actions

Movement Points can be spent to attempt actions to interact with the space in the hex tile.
72 Mile Hex (Week & Month)
    • Scout - Identify POI and reveal 6 mile map of neigbouring hex.

6 Mile Hex / 2 hours per point
    • Scout - Identify POI and reveal half-mile map of neigbouring hex.

Half-Mile Hex / 10 minutes per point
    • Patrol - Maintain a perimeter to alert to threats
    • Clear - Sweep area of Infected
    • Search - Attempt to locate a particular target in hex
    • Scavenge - Attempt to locate salvage, medicine, and resources
    • Forage -Attempt to locate food and potable water
    • Track - Identify a trail to follow


Terrain and Features

  Terrain Types
    • Mountains
    • Forest
    • Grasslands
    • Desert
    • Ocean
    • Lake
    • Swamp



  Vehicles add an additional pool of movement points that can be spend on movement only.

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