Settlement Mechanics

Settlements are treated like a character with attributes, abilities, and traits.  

Settlement Attributes, Abilities, and Traits

  Size: in half mile hexes    

Settlement Attributes

Resource Pools
  • Fuel
  • Water
  • Perishable Food
  • Non-Perishable Food
  • Batteries
  • Medicine

Settlement Abilities

Resource Production and Management
Safety and Security
Recreation and Morale

Settlement Traits


Settlement Gameplay

  These mechanics support two modes of gameplay: Cooperative and Competitive. In Cooperative Play, the players take roles as the governing body of a settlement. In Competitive Play, each player take the role of a settlement or group in a particular region, playing as the character of "that settlement". Campaigns can use one or the other, or a combination of the two.   During a settlement turn (in-game weekly or monthly; per game session), players allocate resources and make decisions for that settlement. The outcome of these decisions will unfold as the character based gameplay unfolds.   Examples:
  • Cooperative: Players of characters from Jackson, and manage the settlement of Jackson during faction turns.
  • Competitive: Players play their character and a faction that could help or hinder the party: Jackson, WLF, Seraphites, Raider Faction
  • Cooperative/Competitive: Alternate Settlement turns between (cooperative) Jackson and (competitive) other factions.


  In Cooperative mode, the players take roles of the settlements administration and make the decisions as a group. If the player's character is in that role, their skills can be an asset to the role.  


  If the players are tied to a settlement, it is reccomended that players choose potential ally and antagonist factions, but not that settlement.