
With the loss of the magical inscriptions that once covered their form, the Narmen's innate magical power found another outlet in the form of the long tusk they gained when they performed the spell to make them aquatic known as an Alidens, plural Alidensi. This tusk, once removed, can be used as a magic weapon and wielded similar to a rapier, though special training is required to properly wield one. Most Alidensi have an energy that makes them particularly effective against fiends and the like, both drawn toward the breaks in their defenses and delivering more devastating blows, though those of Darkened and Demonic Narmen have darker energies that are equal effective against angels and other celestials. These energies generally can be detected as an aura of moderate transmutation magic. However, alidensi taken from infused sub-species (Saints or Demonic) have further power, magically aligning the blade to either good or evil and striking out against all evil or good doers in addition to having a stronger reaction to fiends or celestials. These tusk have a moderate aura of evocation magic instead.
These magical properties can only be accessed if the wielder is aware of them, with the tusk behaving as though it has no magical properties otherwise.

Item type
~4 ft long


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