
(a.k.a. The Hidden One)

Amun is an Idgyptian deity, who by the time of the New Kingdom had become known as the King of the Gods. During this time he was often fused with the sun god Ra, being known as Amun-Ra. As Idgypt expanded during this time, Amun began to be worshiped in other areas, being fused with foreign gods like Zeus and Jupiter at times.   While he is still known as the king of gods, he has been pushed to the background somewhat with the resurgence of Ra under Shadotep I.   He is the patron god of Thebes.

Divine Domains

He is often considered the King of the Gods.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two vertical plumes, the ram-headed Sphinx (Criosphinx)
Divine Classification
Idgyptian God


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