Frost Pain

Frost Pain is an enchanted ice blade and one of the Four Treasures of the Lizardmen. It appears as a blue and white blade with a dim glow. The shape is a bit peculiar, as the handle is integrated with the blade, which resembles a three-pronged fork or a sai. The grip part of the body is increasingly thinner, stretching paper-thin at the tip of the blade.   Before coming into Zaryusu Shasha's possession, Frost Pain originally belonged to the chief of Sharp Edge. However, during the resource war in the Wetlands, Zaryusu slew the chief and claimed the blade for his own.


  Frost Pain is able to exude a frosty white mist through the user's command over it. On the other hand, Frost Pain harbors three magical powers:
  1. The blade harbors cold energy which deals ice damage for every cut it inflicts. Any enemy coming into contact with the weapon would suffer some frost injuries that slowly erodes the target with frost.
  2. The wielder can use a powerful skill that could only be used three times a day— ‘Icy Burst’. A slash that could freeze everything within its range instantly and deal heavy damage.
  3. Grants the user with resistance to ice damage.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Raw materials & Components
It is said that it was made from ice extracted from the Great Lake when it froze for the first time.


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