
15th of January, 1505 CE

The home of many different races, nations, magic, gods, monsters, great works, and great cataclysms. Amospia is rich with a deep history of epic tales and conquests, and its many different cultures leave much to be discovered throughout the ages. Zovilla, the god of gods, created the other numerous pantheons of gods to serve in her endeavors of light in the eternal struggle against the Void Gods and their demon hordes. These gods serve as patrons and provide guidance to the peoples of Amospia. The face of the planet is ever changing, as the test of time takes its toll on all, maybe even the immortal.   >Website<


Troubles in Greater Pomerelia

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

Trouble finds a group of Pomerelian adventurers


Dungeons & Dragons 5e


Adventurers of Amospia

Pathfinder 1e

A group of ragtag adventurers travels the world in attempts to -sort of- do good.