
Khenra are a type of formed demihuman of the Canine subgroup. They are tall and lean, with graceful bodies and heads that strongly resemble jackals.

Basic Information


They are tall and lean, with graceful bodies and heads that strongly resemble jackals. Their snouts are long and sharp, and their angular ears rise straight above their heads. Their bodies are covered in dark, sleek hair that ranges from the brown of the desert sands to ebony black. Despite their sharp teeth, they consider biting to be an uncouth and unworthy combat tactic.   They can have either digitigrade (dog-like) or plantigrade (human-like) legs. Besides leg anatomy there is no difference between the two types, and thus are considered the same.

Growth Rate & Stages

Khenra mature quickly, reaching adulthood in their early teens. They rarely live past 60.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They originate from the Sarahara Desert, and are most commonly found within the Idgyptian Empire. They are not often seen outside the desert heartlands of the empire.

Civilization and Culture


While they're exact origins are unknown, due to physical similarities it is believed that they are connected to the Idgyptian god Anubis, possibly created by him in his image.
60 years

Plane-Shift Amonkhet


The khenra of Idgypt are tall and lean, with graceful bodies and heads that strongly resemble jackals. Their snouts are long and sharp, and their angular ears rise straight above their heads. Their bodies are covered in dark, sleek hair that ranges from the brown of the desert sands to ebony black. Despite their sharp teeth, they consider biting to be an uncouth and unworthy combat tactic.
ability score increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.
age: Khenra mature quickly, reaching adulthood in their early teens. They rarely live past 60.
alignment: Most khenra lean toward chaotic alignments. They have no particular inclination toward good or evil.
Size: Medium
speed: 35ft.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Khenra.
race features:
Khenra Weapon Training: You have proficiency with the khopesh, spear, and javelin.


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