
Lizardmen are one of the demi-human races of Amospia. They are humanoid lizards that have shared human and reptilian characteristics. Lizardmen dwell in the southern part of the Great Lake.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lizardmen are omnivorous, but they eat almost no plants; their staple food is large fish.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are often found in small numbers in and around wetland areas. However, an unusually large population can be found around the Great Lake in the southwest of the Idgyptian Empire.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Since the Lizardmen store food in their tails, the fatter a male's tail is, the more sexually attractive he is considered by the female.

Average Technological Level

The lizardmen are typically seen as using relatively primitive technology, similar to many isolated demihuman tribes. However, the lizardmen of the Great Lake are at a slightly higher technological level, as technical advances slowly trickle into the region from the rest of the Idgyptian Empire.
Average Height
1.9 meters (6'3")
Average Weight
100 kg (220 lbs)


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