Magic Architecture

At their height, Narmen possessed knowledge and technology capable of battling the endless hordes of demons and void gods coming up from the direction of Heart of Darkness. One of the remnant of this is referred to as Magic Architecture. Unsatisfied by the limitations of standard magic item creation, Narmen learned to build complex engines capable of manipulating large amounts of power. Due the size of these devices they are often worked into the structure of buildings. Most of these buildings are unique though some followed plans designed for easy replication.

Here is a list of modern examples of Magic Architecture:

The Citadel of the Elements

Probably the most actively used example of modern Magic Architecture, the Citadel is capable of affecting the balance of the elements within a given region, either amplifying or diminishing the effect of certain elements. Each element is associated with two categories of spells, one which is amplified with the element and one which is amplified with the lack of the element. The former are empowered when the element is amplified and weakened when the element is diminished. The latter spells are affected inversely. (weakened when the element is amplified and empowered when the element is diminished.)
Additionally, amplifying and diminishing elements has one or more secondary effects within the region. The Citadel can only target a single region at a time and can only amplify one element at a time and diminish one element at a time. The Citadel has unlimited range but cannot reach other planes of existence. The maximum area of effect is 777 square miles per combined caster level of the casters operating the Citadel. The Citadel must be operated by exactly five individuals capable of casting spells. Activating the Citadel is a difficult process requiring vast knowledge of spells and can only performed by sufficiently powerful spellcasters. Each day the Citadel remains active, the five casters who activated the Citadel must spend at least eight hours concentrating together within the Citadel during which they must sustain the effects of the Citadel. If the original casters do not spend sufficient time maintaining the Citadel's effects, the effects end at the end of that day.

Table of Effects by Element
Element Effect when Empowered Effect when Diminished
Air Creatures are able to move twice as fast and can jump twice as well. Additionally, air breathing creatures can breath regardless of whether their head is in air. Creatures are slowed to half their speed and can only jump half as well. The air becomes difficult to breath.
Fire Fire becomes brighter. Things become less resistant to fire and more resistant to cold. Fire becomes dimmer. Things become more resistant to fire and less resistant to cold.
Healing Plants grow better and yield a greater harvest. Undead cannot be created in the area and are weakened. Plants wither and yield a smaller harvest. Undead can be more easily created and are strengthened.
Luck Creatures in the area find themselves luckier and having more lucky breaks. Businesses and individuals in the area earn more wealth. Creatures in the area find themselves less lucky and having more unlucky breaks. Businesses and individuals in the area earn less wealth.
Water The air acts like water and creatures that breathe underwater can breathe it fine though it doesn't suffocate air breathers and cannot be swam in. Aquatic creatures have their life-force weakened, creatures that can't swim have their movements unimpeded by water, and the water becomes harder to breathe.

The Wall of Zovillbergz

Standing around Zovillbergz is a mighty stone wall covered in softly glowing runes. This wall is designed such that teleportation in and out is impossible outside of certain exceptions nor can anyone bypass the wall by going above or below it. The only entrance is a single passage on one side that can be closed off in an instant should need be. The wall however is not indestructible, and if a sufficient amount of it is destroyed its abilities cease to function. The wall is tough, a disjoining spell won't cut it as it almost instantly repairs any such damage. Rather it must be broken the hard way, the hardness of the rock doubles that of adamantite and it slowly repairs physical damage over time, but slowly, bit by bit, it can be toppled.

The Portal Network

At one time the Narman Empire held a mighty portal network that could send their armies to anywhere on any plane. Now most of it has been destroyed and central hub in the capital city of Yggdrasils lies mostly buried in rubble, but a few portal nodes within the hub have been repaired and powered, most of which currently lie dormant awaiting use, but three of them have jury-rigged to a set of portal rings allowing transport to and from the other sects.

The Radiant Inscriber

Located in the heart of the palace of the High Emperor of First Amospia, the Radiant Inscriber draws on massive energy stores to inscribe true runes onto items creating artifacts of legendary power.


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