Physics and Magic

From the base level there are two forces: Light and Shadow. Light clings to itself while Shadow repels itself and there are no forces between them. On interaction they cancel each other out. They have a number of states, namely natural, organized, and material. While in its natural state it is indestructible and mostly unchangeable, it is simply a mass of quantum energy. While in its organized state Light and Shadow form divine matter. (Gods, Outer Gods, the Infinity Stones, etc.) "Material" state is kind of relative. It this state it forms physical matter but also energy and magic.
 While in any state other than its natural state Light and Shadow can mix to form more varied substances. In addition to a state Light and Shadow can have a pattern. Patterns are a configuration of infinite detail which performs the major job of distinguishing matter. The most base state of this configuration results in stone or stone equivalent materials depending on the Light/Shadow balance. After stone, there are 5 base states which form the five elements: Fire, Water, Luck, Air, and Healing. Again, the Light/Shadow balance does affect these somewhat, at pure Shadow you get the Shadow elements (Teleportation, Control, Void, Flight, and Resurrection) and at pure Light the Light elements (Solar stuff, TBD). Some patterns possess a certain volatility that facilitates Conversion. Via Conversion, a substance catalyzes the recombination of two or more other substances to produce something else in the process of Alchemy. The most common for Alchemy is water which has a decent volatility, in addition classically alchemy uses two other catalysts, nether wart and fermented spider eyes. Fire is also a potent catalyst but is very limited in its properties and hard to control and is therefore more often used to speed a conversion than to cause one. (Blaze powder in a brewing stand not cooking or smelting.) This process is inherently complex and portions can be explained in numerous ways.     Elements: Base: Fire, Water, Luck, Air, and Healing
Shadow: Teleportation, Control, Void, Flight, and Resurrection
Light: Solar?, TBD
Corrupt: Explosion, Storm, Satisfaction, Motion, Luminance
(These are base physics elements chosen to reflect properties of various game mechanics and organized the best I could. You can totally have your own that your magic uses.)


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