
Sobek is an Idgyptian deity primarily associated with the Nile crocodile, and is represented either in that form or as a human with a crocodile head. He has held a longstanding presence in the Idgyptian pantheon since the time of the Old Kingdom, gaining prominence during the Middle Kingdom, primarily under the reign of the Twelfth Dynasty pharaoh Amenemhat III.   The entire Faiyum region serves as his primary cult center, with him being the patron god of the region's capital, Shedet. In more recent years, he has gained a significant presence among the lizardman tribes of the Great Lake due to his reptilian association.

Divine Domains

The crocodile, pharaonic power, fertility, military prowess, protection (specifically from the dangers presented by the Nile).

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The crocodile
Divine Classification
Idgyptian God


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