Amulet of Lolth

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The world has gone Topsy Turvy, and become a strange place, wars abound, monsters are loose in the greater world. Ancient evils are loose and gods walk the earth. Fame, fortune and title are there for the bold.   A world tamed by humans now appears beset from all sides as gods move pieces around the board, and beings from other planes start to push for control. Rumours of Gods walking the earth abound.   Beings spring from legend and children's fire side tales. Giants roam, Elves and dwarves have been seen, and goblin hoards led by the evil wizard Sarn Durgba move east from there holes in the Nameless hills leading an assault to destroy the human kingdom of Pentnilton. All sorts of evil has beset the kingdom of Pentnilton who's king Aeol struggles to control the machinations of his 3 princes prince Harold, prince Carn 3rd and Prince Sul.   Dark Elves are stirring trouble to the North, an ancient wizard in the south summons the ancient God of Set and his race.   Elros has been loosed from his ancient tomb, and the Humans defend the world from the evil races of Elves, Dwarfs, Orc, Giants and Trolls led by Sarn Durgba.   Cultists try to open the Door to the greater being Moloch, a being of great renown and Honour who will bring true happiness to all beings of the world.   Meanwhile the true calling has been made from the one True God and his followers the Order of The Radiant Heart spread the word of his message of hope and a great future for all at the end of sword and Fire as they Cull the evil non believers in the world.   Magic a rare and hidden ability is again practised in the open, distrusted by many, but opens the power to ancient secrets, power in abundance and cruelty that was previously unknown   Meanwhile to the North in Vfnir, giants and tales of evil Dark elves attacking this kingdom abound, while in the long wastes of endless sand to the South Humans seem to be flocking to the name of the ancient evil that is Set and his serpent priests.   The finger prints of Lolth are also clear as dark elves spread discord accross the world, working to free her from her prison..    The Dwarves have left there home under Goldfinger apparently rallying with the evil that is Sarn Durgba, while it has been said Elves may even have sympathy for his cause to destroy all humans.   Dragons have been seen abroad, while Priests of Ra call to the aid of the Golden one who can turn between ancient one and a golden dragon.   The ancient wizard Ticonderoga is seen again but his motives are unknown.   Meanwhile the Jugglers Guild are friends and messengers of all.   An ancient evil has been let loose that is the mad demigod Elros son of Dolos.    Elros means "wrong doer" in Eleven and "Bringer of Evil" in Dwarven.   Elros is the son of Dolos, the spirit of trickery and guile. He is also master of cunning, deception and treachery. Mother was Gaia, goddess of the earth, and Aether God of the sky. Dolos worked with Prometheus the Potter, and Dolos made copies of his works including people out of clay.   Elros liked to make his own miny clay people who he used as toy soldiers to fight battles against his friends toy soldier armies, but he did not take losing well, smashing the ground in tamtrums and knocking over the figures. These figures took instructions and moved like mini armies. This is how he took to enjoying ordering armies around against his friends. Maybe he sees the humans as easy and susceptible to his magic/control, but the Elves Dwarves and Even Orcs etc were less susceptible to this.   Elros learnt from his father Dolos how to make golems and magic constructs and then his controlling magics. He also has the abilities of deception and guile. He also has earth magics and contacts from his mother, being able to manipulate clay, earth, metal, and knowing the names of Golems and earth elemental.   It is said that Elros in the past charmed the gullible humans and was resisted by the other races, and so lead his human legions to destroy all races that would not bow to his authority.   The demon Molloch has been seen and his cultists are large in the world.   The God Vulcan is known to be worshipped, and has been heard from and handing out items of great power from his halls, where he uses the great flame of an ancient dragon to shape his greatest creations.   General world with Greek, Roman and Norse Gods.   God Set is in the south of the world, god of chaos fire, trickery, envy and God of the Yuan Ti who are looking for dominion over the world   The Dark elves are also in the thrall of the God Lolth who is also putting out tentacles over the Giants and looking to destroy the Vfnir   The Arch Bishol Balor Resurrected, leads the order of the Radiant Heart to assist the human kingdoms spreading by strength the knowledge of the one true god.   Meanwhile the priests of the Dean Coentis the Temple of Justice interrogate the unbelievers to ensure they are true of heart. They purge towns if there evil, as truly the people have not been true and so people need to be "purified" and people whis faith needs to be tested by fire or water.