If Vutazon believes in Duty, Danoks believes in justice. Danoks warriors always fight honorably and fairly. This zealous pursuit of righteousness puts them at odds with less pious and strict tribes, but they get along with others that share their vision.
Danoks treat their kin with warmth and loyalty. From the strongest draconic bloodlines to the lowliest villagers and farmers, Danoks households consist of multiple generations living under one roof. The powerful work hard to keep their people militarily fit and when the Demonic Imperiums threaten, Danoks answers the call. They are also sensitive to the suffering of others, chastising their fellow tribes for mistreatment of anyone. Danoks natives are proud to serve their rulers and will boast of their fealty at any opportunity. They are not quick to forget deeds, for good or ill.
Marriage among the Danoks is taken seriously, deliberately and respectfully. Chivalry and manners are very important, but underneath that an overriding sense of family shines through. Killing a child is the worst crime one can commit against a Danoks.
The Danoks treasure pearls and golds—despite their family focus and sense of justice, they have an avaricious streak they try to hide. In war, they love outmaneuvering their foes more than simply overwhelming them.
The crest of the Danoks tribe is a bronze dragon.
Suggested Parentages
- Draconic (Bronze)
- Dwarven (Sea)
- Goblinoid
- Human
- Kobold
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