

Sventisko's contact in the refugee settlement surrounding Ioth Academy

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Relatively spry

Facial Features

Swept back, smooth spiral horns. Small flaps on either cheek. Crooked smile (well, crooked mouthline, not much of a smiler, many dragonborn smile with their eyes)

Identifying Characteristics

Missing the middle and index fingers of his right hand.

Physical quirks

Hums, sings odd tunes to himself.

Special abilities

Sorcery, Arcane Trickster

Apparel & Accessories

Drab, unassuming apparel. Wears a blue gemstone on a pendant around his neck, tied with a leather strap, keeps it hidden most of the time. Hides knives and spell components on his person in his voluminous traveler's cloaks and tunic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a covert agent of the secretive eluitholel, Kepesk is not forthcoming about his personal history. He's roughly six decades old, did not come from wealthy means, wields the powers of a minor draconic sorcerous bloodline, and knows thieves cant, enabling him to communicate with a wide variety of unorthodox contacts. He is missing his middle and index fingers on his right hand, accompanied by an ugly scar--the sign of poor healing. He's never shared the story behind that scar, but whatever happened drives him forward and gives him purpose.


Works for the eluitholel as a liaison to the Kisjan, and to multiple organizations and contacts within the refugee camp. Kepesk is an important point of contact. His knack for avoiding attention makes him invaluable for sending orders and making deals to various agents and attaches of the eluitholel.

Morality & Philosophy

Kepesk cares deeply about people. He doesn't believe in leaving anyone behind or allowing anyone to take the fall for something. His bond with the eluitholel is as much about believing in their cause as it is the relationships he's built along the way--even if he's secretive and those relationships are one sided.

Personality Characteristics


Loyal follower of the eluitholel. Owes them something he doesn't talk about--not a weight over his head, but a debt he feels he can never repay.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kepesk always has a plan. Whenever things go wrong, the first thing he abandons is the plan.


Usually fairly dusty, but otherwise well kempt.


Contacts & Relations

Member in good standing of the eluitholel. Covert contact of the Kisjan.

Religious Views

Draconic Mysteries

Social Aptitude

Kepesk is inspiring--his fervor is contagious. Even though he speaks quietly and in measured tones, there's an intensity in his rasping dragonborn speech that burns in the hearts of those who hear him.
Middle aged
Current Residence
A room above the Hanging Fang public house
Solid black, heavy lids, thick membrane
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue scales
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Thieves Cant


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