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Iliric Valann

Iliric Valann is the warden of Stormguard Prison.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Iliric Valann was born to the royal family of Minerva, related by blood and marriage to the Imperial family. He was also 37th in line to the Imperial throne, according to Aspen. He took over the fortress at Stormguard, then an unimportant out-of-the-way Roadwarden post, and reformed it into a prison. Because of his efforts, the fortress was restored, and a village outside the walls even sprung up to support the infrastructure of the new prison. Iliric had a keen eye for business, and he came up with the idea of literally contracting to receive the more troublesome long-term inmates from several surrounding nations. The first contracts were from Iopetre and Minerva, gained as a result of his familial connections.   For the next several decades, he ran Stormguard Prison without incident.

The Odyssey (Campaign)

During The Odyssey campaign, a valuable hostage, an orc named Karuk Batur, was killed under his watch. Scrambling to cover, Iliric forced a half-orc guard (Jandar Aftroden) to impersonate the prisoner.   Later, that half-orc and several others located a chamber with a crystal sarcophagus under the prison. Iliric concluded that the being in the sarcophagus was Gwynyefarr, a legendary rebel who vanished after the last major uprising against Imperial authority. He seized on the idea of this rebel as a way to get back in the good graces of the Imperial family if and when his trick with Karuk was revealed.   Unfortunately, his plan to sacrifice several prisoners to open the sarcophagus did not go as planned. They died, but the sacrifice didn't take, and when they came back to life, they immediately killed Iliric in revenge.  

Prison Break (Campaign)

In the Prison Break campaign, Iliric Valan's aunt is married to the second cousin of player character Alexandra Gaeralagos.

Iliric Valann, a pale and elderly high elf, is the warden of Stormguard Prison. He is a distant member of the Imperial family and a wizard of rumored dread powers.

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