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The Ascension Campaign   The ascension campaign is one that takes place on the world of Anatheous, a world that exists directly with the six gods of the world. The six being of good and neutral alignment, decided to share the domain of Anatheous by splitting the world into six domains. The gods being Gond, Selune, Auril, Kelemvor, Torm, and Leira. Each presiding over broad domains and tending to the needs of the citizens of the world as they arise.   The world has five major capitals. Clasholas in Astreos, Foram in Setena, Sciath in Arethemis, Bas in Mantos, and Crann in Cernrae. All five are also places the most directly exposed to the power of the gods, with a sixth place of power being Eye’s Watch in Numis. In each of these six places resides a speaker, an individual chosen directly by the respective god who spends four hours each day directly communing with their god. At the end of the four hours they spend the next four sending out missives with orders directly from each god. These missives are delivered by a unique courier service that only serves the speakers in these places of power.   Receiving a missive is a great honor and responsibility. Anyone found shirking their responsibility as directed by the missive is immediately imprisoned and brought before a tribunal to be judged. Punishments can range from minor and inconvenient (things such as fines or community service) to major and life altering (long term imprisonment, exiling from the six continents, or even execution) depending on the severity of the offense.   Your character found themselves receiving a missive from this divine courier. Sealed with the official stamp of the respective god, you received an order to report to Marshal Brine in Salsfer. A small martial outpost established by the officials in Sciath, wanting to help assist with any form of unwarranted traffic between Astreos and Arethemis and keeping the trade routes open.   Upon reporting to Marshal Brine, a scrappy dwarven man with a disheveled beard and matching hair, you were informed that there had been unauthorized necromantic activity in Numis. Scouts have managed to pin down the location to the forest northwest of Opalgate, across the small river. Your group had been tasked with pinpointing the location of the activity, putting the dead to rest, and finding the source of the necromancy and putting a stop to it. As you all were having this conversation with the Marshal, another divine courier intruded on the conversation to deliver a missive to him. As he did, a perplexed look crept across his face while it turned read. He then informed you that you were to report any findings Astromancer Vikoth Stardreamer in Sciath.   Along with those of you who had arrived in Salsfer, the Marshal sent out a few additional soldiers to accompany the group and assure the success of the group. The group traveled south for a day towards Elvenmell where naval passage had been secured by the Marshal for the group. The boat brought the group to Midstille where then you traveled towards Opalgate. After staying one night at the local tavern, the group trudged on foot through the forests of Numis. After being tipped off by a few destroyed skeletons, the group found a location they agreed would likely be good to set up camp and watch.