Inn of the Last Call

Outside The Inn is three stories tall and shaped like a "U" with a central atrium decorated with a fountain. Constructed of rough hewn stone the same bluish grey of the promintory with a reddish slate roof. A tall spire on the eastern side of the inn rises an additional two stories with room for a roost at the top. The front door is wooden and modest with a small window. A sign hangs next to the front door depecting a flagon of mead on a yellow sun and Anaxian script that reads, "Inn of teh Last Call" as smoke billows from chimneys on other side of teh inn and savory smells float through the air.  


As you walk into the building the Inn imediately opens up to a large room. Directly in front of you is a curved stone wall and staircase. This room is decorated with potted plants, tapestries, and is light by Arclights. A large reddish brown rug covers most of teh floor in this room and a few tables are scattered about but sparse so as to not interrupt traffic going up the stairs or through the archways on into larger rooms on the left or right. A mezzanine allows patrons to sit upstairs and still see the rest of the first floor of the Inn and is accesible from the curved staircase. The room to the right looks lik an extension of the current room. A bar exists on the eastern wall while a large fireplace occupies the middle of the southern wall. Large columns and wooden beams support the levels above. A small stage occupies the western wall. The room to the left looks more secluded. A partial stone wall blocks some sight intot he room and the stone archway rises to the 2nd floor. This room has a matching fireplace its southern counterpart although the bar is smaller and private booths occupy where the stage is located in the other room. The 2nd floor is visible and both sides offer seating upstairs and limited rooms. Stairs leading up to the third floor are also visible.
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