Plaza of the Last Call


Resting in the extreme northwest of Talonhome, the Plaza of the Last Call rests on a tall promontory. Two paths lead up the promontory to the plaza, one along the north face that winds down to the northeast and another that rises steeply from the south.The plaza itself consists primarily of businesses and residences of middle-class merchants. A northern guard tower sits at the top of the path to the north and the stable and outbuildings lie in ruins. The tower in the southeastern corner is narrower but taller with a roost at the top level. A raised blue and white marble monument to the father and mother dominate the central plaza. The central figures are surrounded by four statues, a priestess, a knight, an orator, and a diviner although the latter has fallen over in the distant pass. To the west, a business district of shops, apartments, and a small shrine to Alocar stands in the southwestern corner. The northwestern corner sits a park with trees turning Autumn colors, a small pond with khoi, benches for resting, and a small trail that leads back into the park. A Dustman guildhall dominates the southern reaches of the plaza. Two stories tall and fully a third of the length of the plaza, the dark slate roof and blueish stone walls mark is as instantly recognizeable. A wooden barn sits between the guildhall and the guard tower. On the western side of the plaza a massive Inn stands. The Inn is three stories tall and shaped like a "U" with a central atrium decorated with a fountain. A tall spire on the western side of the inn rises an additional two stories with room for a roost at the top. Two ruined buildings between the Inn and the central monument, fire scorches betray the fate of those buildings.  

View of Anaxas from Plaza of the Last Call

Looking to the East and South from the Plaza large domes mark the giant foundries found in Talonhome. Several spires rise from the city, near and far, with the nearest spire a mixture of marble and brass rising hundreds of feet into the sky and marked by large heraldric tapestries displaying the crest of the Khai-Aldra family that can bee recognized even this distance. Several spires further east are linekd together by arches and walkways and mark the center of the strict. Arklines between spires are rare with actual arks an even rarer sight. The nearby town sections are tiered with stone retaining walls and winding steps leading up the area surrounding the plaza. The buildings within sight seem ordinary and plain wtih many of them in disrepair. Several abaonded buildings can be seen and even some ruined buildings that have collapsed. To the north a wall rises off in the distance marking the end of Talonhome and the start of Traitor's Home. Fewer spires dot the skyline and of the ones that do exist they are in various states of decay and ruin. The the west the ground slopes downard sharply with streets marked with row-houses. There are few spires in Wellington but the city looks greener and more alive.
Region: Talonhome


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