1st Floor (The Lobby) in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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1st Floor (The Lobby)

This floor looks radically different from your cell blocks. It is, for one thing, much brighter. The cell blocks have no windows and are lit by torches and artificial chandeliers, but on this floor, there is one massive window that wraps around the entire room from about 8 feet nearly to the ceiling. They are beautiful stained and frosted glass which seem almost religious in nature. They depict a thriving and prosperous community, and most scenes center around one black-robed figure often shown in a serene and peaceful pose. One central scene has a huge rendition of this figure, which looks like a humanoid figure with large black wings that spread out over an entire section of the window. The primary colors of the windows are gold and grey, giving this room an ethereal warmth. There are no cells on this floor, or rooms at all. There are tables set up against the wall where prison staff hand prisoners paperwork, or take crafts, or ask questions. There is a massive iron-and-wood door on one side of the room, which leads out into the courtyard. It is silver wood and gleaming metal, and it twists and curls into beautiful images of flowering trees. Another smaller door is directly across from it, which leads towards the kitchen, the greenhouses, the stables, and the guards’ barracks.
The ground floor of the tower looks very different from the cell blocks, and is a misleading entrance to the Tower.   There are four guards standing in front of the large front door and two standing by the back.