2nd Floor (The Infirmary) in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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2nd Floor (The Infirmary)

This floor looks much like your cell blocks, but with a touch more life. There are no cell doors ringing the walls, and instead there are simply little alcoves where prisoners are lounging on cushions, either relaxing or working on some kind of craft to be used for the Tower’s wealth. Despite being slightly larger than the cell blocks, this floor actually feels more cramped. Part of it is blocked off by a wall of a markedly different make than the rest of the Tower. Beyond that wall is the infirmary. Furthermore, there are many large round tables set up around the room, which have been pushed closer together to form two large central areas that are difficult to navigate to from the stairs.
If the players get into the infirmary, there is a chance to steal some healing stuff. There are two health potions, five lesser health potions, ten healers' kits, and some bandages. There is also one spell book of healing magic. The infirmary is overseen by Mitha , a cleric.   This floor functions as a staging area for the unofficial fighting ring that Tasha runs within the Tower. The large spaces cleared out are where this takes place, and it allows not only space for the crowd, but also plenty of room for the fighters. Although this is not an officially sanctioned activity, the only time the Warden has ever cracked down on it was when someone died or if the fight spread beyond two people.