Crop Fields & Animal Fields in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Crop Fields & Animal Fields

Turning past the Cathedral reveals another worn path through the thin trees. This is a well-traveled path, and following it will reveal a huge swath of land that has been almost completely cleared of trees. Three huge fields stretch out before you, separated from one another by three neat rows of trees. At any time of day, prisoners are working the fields, except during the most violent of storms. Certain areas are covered by high tarps, protecting the more fragile crops from the harsher weather.
These fields are mostly worked by the prisoners and overseen by guards. Each field has four crops divided evenly into four plots, for a total of twelve crops per season grown. During some seasons, different crops are grown. The harvests are divided and a majority is used to feed the Tower and town. The rest is dried and shipped to the mainland, with the revenue being used to keep up the prison.  
Going further beyond the greenhouses, you can see a tall fence nearly 8 feet high. The gate swings open easily and allows you into the animal fields. To your right are a row of barns and coops, and to your right is a large open field where crops specifically for feeding the animals are grown. Horses, cows, goats, chickens, turkeys, and other livestock are all kept in this one massive field that is as big as the three crop fields combined. Immediately to your right as you step through the gate is a circular tower of stone, about 50 feet wide and three stories tall, at the top of which you can see several griffons lounging. Other large birds are visible through the tower’s many open windows, and you can see this is a rookery that doubles as a stable for the griffons.
Behind the greenhouses is the field where animals are kept. Some grain crops are grown here used to feed the animals. There are a dozen barns, a dozen coops, and one rookery that doubles as stables for the elite guard captains’ griffons. There is also a silo where extra grains and meal for the animals are stored. The animals are tended to almost exclusively by the staff. Occasionally, certain prisoners will be allowed to work with the animals.