Darkstone Dwarves Ethnicity in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Darkstone Dwarves

Most dwarves are Darkstones. They live in the typical "dwarven" setting: the dark and cold mountain halls illuminated by glowing fungus and magical stones. Their description matches that on the basic Dwarven page.
Encompassed species

Darkstone Dwarf

Ability Score Increase
Size Medium
Speed 25ft

Superior Darkvision/Sunlight Sensitivity. Due to your life below the ground, you are accustomed to a low light environment. You have darkvision up to 120 feet. However, you have disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Wisdom (Perception) rolls that rely on sight when you are in an well-lit environment, unless you have a visual aid (tinted glasses, a brimmed hat, etc.)   Tough Skin. Your skin is strong, and blades don't easily pierce it. You gain +2 AC at level 1. You gain an additional +1 AC at level 10.

Languages. You speak the language of your culture, which is usually Dwarvish.