Firestone Dwarves Ethnicity in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Firestone Dwarves

Not all dwarves live in the cold darkness of mountains. Some choose to live in the oppressive heat of volcanic mountains, or deep in the earth near the volcanic core. These dwarves are either extremely isolated (those who live deeply) or more open to other cultures (those who live in volcanoes) than other dwarves.   Firestone dwarves are the most common to be seen above ground. Their skin is ashy grey, often with red undertones, and they have marks on their skin that resemble the patterns of lava flows. When they come above ground, their skin becomes redder, and the marks become blacker, until they resemble themselves walking pools of lava. Their hair is almost always either black or white, though their eyes come in the jewel tones typical of all dwarves.
Encompassed species

Firestone Dwarf

Ability Score Increase
Size Medium
Speed 25ft

Darkvision. Due to your subterranean upbringing, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Flame Body. You are accustomed to the heat and light of your volcanic home. You have resistance to fire damage, and your body cannot catch fire.

Languages. You speak the language of your culture, usually Dwarvish.