Halfs Species in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Given the diverse makeup of some of the countries on Eden, it isn't surprising that one of the first things people learned was which species are capable of breeding with each other. It is fairly easy to get pregnant by another species, but carrying the infant to term usually requires magical intervention. These children are usually referred to as "half-elf," "half-orc," etc., based on their father species. (For the sake of this article, "mother" and "father" will refer to which parent carried the child and which parent inseminated the egg, and has no bearing on gender.)   Any child with parents of two different species will resemble their mother the most. For example, a character with an elven father and a dwarven mother would be called a "half-elf," and would resemble their dwarven mother to the point where it wouldn't need to be pointed out. This naming convention continues even if you are several generations removed. For example, if your grandfather was an elf, and your father was a half-elf, you would still be considered a "half-elf," so long as you remained in touch with the elven culture of your father.   The races capable of breeding are:
  • Dragon: Any other species, but cannot be the mother
  • Dragonborn: Fiend, Kobold
  • Dwarf: Elf, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Merfolk/Triton, Orc
  • Elf: Dwarf, Fiend, Halfling, Human, Merfolk/Triton, Orc
  • Fiend: Dragonborn, Elf, Halfling, Human, Merfolk/Triton, Orc
  • Halfling: Dwarf, Elf, Fiend, Human, Merfolk/Triton
  • Human: Dwarf, Elf, Fiend, Halfling, Merfolk/Triton, Orc
  • Kenku: No other species
  • Kobold: Dragonborn, Fiend
  • Merfolk/Triton: Dwarf, Elf, Fiend, Halfling, Human, Orc
  • Orc: Dwarf, Elf, Fiend, Halfling, Human, Merfolk/Triton
  • Tieflings: Any other species, excluding kenku and lizardfolk
When playing a half character, take two traits from your mother and one trait from your father. You can choose the trait, or roll for them.