Hill Child Ethnicity in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Hill Child

Most Halflings are "Hill Children." They make their homes in hilly grasslands with expansive farms and well-kept groves. They are deeply in touch with their homes. Despite this, they are prone to wanderlust, and are the most common halflings to take up adventuring.

Hill Child Halfling

ability score increase: Charisma +1
Size: Small
speed: 25 ft
Languages: You speak the language of your culture, which is usually Halfling.
race features:
Speak with Nature. Once per day, you can attempt to communicate in rudimentary ways to nonmagical plants aroud you, which transfer the knowledge you seek to you in the form of sensory information, and flashes of color, light, or darkness. You cannot give information to the plants, or influence them in any way.   Natural Camouflage. When you are in the wilderness, you gain advantage on all Wisdom (Stealth) checks that are made while you are standing still and are out in the open.