Kenku Species in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Kenku are called a "fae touched" species, and are one of very few species in that category. Legend goes that a powerful fae was banished to the the Material Plane, and while she lay dying, was tended to by an assortment of wild birds. They managed to keep her alive until such time as she was able to heal herself with magic and, in gratitude for their kindness, she gifted them with intelligence and size, at the cost of their flight. Only gods could give the gift of speech, however, and she was unable to grant this to them. With their sharp minds, however, kenku were able to figure out how to perfectly mimic any sound they heard.

Basic Information


Kenku are birds that have a slightly humanoid figure. Their wings were traded for heavily feathered arms that, although they resemble wings, are unable to sustain the kenku in flight. Their hands and feet resemble avian claws more than human hands, and their faces are purely avian.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kenku give birth to live young, and infants are extremely helpless and weak. Multiple births are extremely rare, but kenku are able to have many children over the course of a lifetime.

Growth Rate & Stages

The fae that gave the kenku their forms was also able to extend their lives. Kenku grow very slowly, reaching maturity at 25, and living up to 150 years old. They are extremely feeble in their old age, but their minds remain unnaturally sharp.
150 years
Average Height
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Kenku have a few different variations they can take: they can either resemble owls, parrots (the entire family of parrots), corvids, sparrows, and hawks (almost the entire family of hawks).

Anchored Kenku

Ability Score Increase +1 Int,+1 Wis
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Mimicry. You can mimic sounds that you have heard, including voices. Any creature that hears the sounds make can tell they are imitations on a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by your Charisma (Deception) check.   Fae Friend. All fae look on the kenku fondly. Any fae creature that recognizes you will be friendly to you, and you have advantage on any Charisma (Persuasion) rolls made against a fae.   Slowfall. To make up for the flight that was taken from you, you were gifted with the ability to save yourself from falling. You can cast the Feather Fall spell on yourself at will.

Languages. You cannot speak any language, but can understand the language of your culture.